Our Mission

Brooklyn RISE Charter School builds the knowledge, habits, and mindsets for academic success, ensuring all Kindergarten through 8th grade students are on the path to college.


College Prep Academics

Our work begins with the steadfast conviction that all children should have access to and can succeed in a rigorous college preparatory school environment regardless of economic status, zip code, race, family education level, or home language. We provide college preparatory academics to all of our students at Brooklyn RISE to ensure they have the strong academic foundation they need to continue to build and grow throughout their academic lives.


Longer School Day & School Year

We believe that students need more time to acquire the knowledge, habits, and mindsets for academic success. We provide additional learning time (8:15-4:15) and days of learning throughout the year to ensure students are given the time they need to grow and develop as learners.


Focus on reading, Writing, & Speaking

We believe strong literacy is the foundation of all academic success. We will provide extra time for our students to engage in reading, writing, and speaking everyday.


Character Education

We believe that, along with academic knowledge and skills, students can and should be developing character and leadership skills while in elementary school. Strong character skills and a sense of self-efficacy are directly linked to a student’s ability to set ambitious goals and to do the work required to achieve those goals.

Our RISE values are Respect, Integrity, Self-confidence, and Effort & Excellence.


Culturally Responsive

We believe in acknowledging and celebrating the diverse cultures of our school community and the greater community that surrounds us. We know that diversity is strength and we are committed to encouraging our students to strengthen their own cultural identity while also learning about and celebrating the cultural identities of others.


Partnerships with Families

We believe that families are key partners in ensuring the academic and character growth of our students. To truly partner with families, there must be ongoing, consistent communication that goes both ways, so that we work together to create supportive and loving learning environments for all our students.


Small Group Instruction

We believe that all students can achieve at high levels when they are given the attention and targeted supports that they need. Our two-teacher model in every classroom allows us to provide at least two hours of small-group instruction for every student, every day. This allows us to meet each student where they are academically and provide them with the supports they need to be successful.



We believe that students should have the opportunity to do hands-on, inquiry-based learning. Our STEM program is filled with hands-on investigations that allows students to develop critical and creative thinking as well as cooperative working skills. We use the FOSS science curriculum to support our budding scientists!


We believe that exposure and experience with the arts is an integral part of a child’s elementary education. Our school offers visual arts, dance, and music to all students and we find ways to integrate the arts across content areas. Our arts enrichment programs also integrates culturally responsive and sustaining curricula and pedagogy that provides opportunities for students to explore and celebrate their own cultural identities as well as the identities fo others.